The recent nice weather incited to more park visits. This one is situated on where until the 70’s you could fine one of Paris’ abattoirs (slaughter houses), under the name of Vaugirard. It was decided use the space for a park and it got the name of
Parc Georges Brassens.
Georges Brassens (1921-1981) is perhaps not so well known outside the French borders, but in France he was and still is highly considered as a poet, author-composer and performer. His lyrics may be “too French” to be easily translated; few artists may have been more typically French than Georges Brassens. He used to live very close to here and it was natural to give his name to this park when it was opened in the 80’s. Here below you can find his portrait, the house where he used to live and his statue in the park.

A few of the abattoir and horse market buildings have been left in the park including the central belfry, some just for decoration; others – the open-sided ones - are today used for a weekly used-book market. Also, the main entrance with bull sculptures and a side entrance with a horse head remind about the former activities.

The park offers a lot of nice and calm space, including a vineyard (producing some 300 bottles per year), some ponds…

…large playgrounds for children…

… flowers…

You can also find two theatres, a “real” one (Théatre Sylvia Montfort) and a “guignol” (puppet-show) one.

That top picture is a real stunner, Peter and one of my favorites. I really like it.
grâce a toi je re-découvre Paris, il est vraiment superbe ce parc, ainsi que le buste de Brassens (tu connais le sculpteur ?). Comme au Jardin du Luxembourg,si je me souviens bien il y avait des ruches , non ?
"L'amitié n'exige rien en échange, que de l'entretien" Brassens
Bon Weekend mister Peter
C'est le "Déjeuner sur l'herbe" de Manet, mais en un peu plus habillé. Je connais bien ce parc à cause du marché aux livres qui se tient tous les week end.
I liked the top pic also. The light is so full of spring in a parisian way.
Have a nice weekend, Peter!
J'ai vu construire ce parc. Il était bien vide au départ, et je vois qu'il s'est bien rempli de végétation et autre chose. Il était bien populaire dès le départ, malgré un peu d'arbres.
Et voilà ! Encore un magnifique parc pour les parisiens en quête d'un petit coin de paradis. Et des marionnettes pour les petits, et les grands aussi. Bon week-end à toi aussi Peter ! Bises.
They say "Paris in April", but when I see your pictures, May too could be good enough to me :)
Flowers like in a aboveground paradise.
Relaxing weekend to you!
coucou piteur. J'avoue, je n'ai pas lu ton texte, il ne me reste pas beaucoup de temps avant mon départ. Alors je t'envoie plein de bises et profite bien du WE, d'autres parcs à visiter? Bises à toutes et tous!
Parc Georges Brassens ? Je tombe des nues ! Encore un quartier de Paris où je n'ai jamais mis les pieds. Ta tournée des espaces verts parisiens est absolument renversante. On croirait que tout Paris n'est qu'une succession d'oasis de verdure !!!
J'adore ta première photo.
Désolée de ne pas avoir commenté tes posts sur le parc Monsouris et les buttes chaumont, plus beaux l'un que l'autre. J'étais pourtant passée voir et je m'étais régalée. Vraiment Paris au printemps vu par tes yeux est une fête !
This parc has EVERYTHING! Including a history that has been remembered... and not hidden away. There was an abbattoir in my small town, but it has gone, and there are homes on the land now.... but no remembrance of when was there before.
Lovely pictures of people enjoying all the beauty that the parc has to offer!
Hi Peter! It seems you did all the parks this week... Not being French, my generation was much influenced by French culture, no wonder... So I still have all the 33 rpm vynil records of Brassens, and actually an old cassette that still runs in the car was made with what I found the Best of...
The park is beautiful and you caught it in shape...
Some stunning pictures also at Montsouris... and the Bir-Hakeim is my favourite: close to the Seine, near the Eiffel Tower and «overground»... ;)
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hello Peter,
Great again as usual I love love love this photo's and the nature from Paris, wonderfull shots welldone!
I was not able to internet last week but I did my best to return, I am back or better my internet is working agian...
Come and look at my abstract and reflecting sky...
Have a good (sunny?) weekend, her the rain came back (good for nature also!)
Thanks!! I quite liked it too, so I put on the top.
Je crois bien qu'il y a des ruches... mais je les ai ratés! Non, je ne pas trouvé le nom du sculpteur.
Oui, c'est un peu la même ambiance. J'ai eu la même reflexion.
Thanks! Nice weekend to you also!
Il faut quelques années pour un parc pour "s'établir"!
C'est impressionant maintenant le nombre de "coins de paradis" que nous disposons à Paris! Bon weekend et bises!
... even June, not mentioning September and October! Nice weekend in the Finnish spring!
Merci déjç d'être passée! Bon weekend dans ta montagne! Bises!
Merci! Oui, il y a beaucoup de parcs à découvrir si on se donne le temps, beaux ... même vus par d'autres yeux! Bises!
Beautifully captured full with details of summertime!
Have fun, enjoy your weekend.
Thanks! I'm also happy when some place is given to history! Nice weekend!
Happy that Georges have some friends also abroad! All the best and hope that the sun will shine over Portugal this weekend!
Frustrating to be cut off from the net! We get so dependant!
I will check your blog! I'm afraid that the weekend will not be too sunny in our part of Europe! Hope it will be nice anyhow!
what wonderful pictures Peter .
Such lovely gardens & such exquisite flowers!
Looks like an ideal place for cooling rest & peace!
(((HUGS))) Peter. You are so sweet to always call my friends your friends. That is such an honour!
Dejeuner sur l'herbe whilst checking one's text messages. A very nice picture. No wonder Abe liked it.
Dejeuner sur l'herbe whilst checking one's text messages. A very nice picture. No wonder Abe liked it.
Oh la la... C'est tellement beau tout ça!
La prochaine fois que j'irai à Paris je ne visiterai que des parcs!!
Wow, the top picture is a Manet ;-) isn't it? Déjeuner sur l'herbe? It's wonderful in its soft colours and romantic leisurely atmosphere.
Je voulais faire le même comment qu'Alain : un tableau impressionniste et Manet (avec les bras levés), ce que c'est d'arriver bon dernier...
Tant pis, je le fais tout de même, un "déjeuner sur l'herbe" y a pas que Manet à l'avoir fait, y a aussi Renoir et Monet, pourquoi faire original à tout prix ?
(Et April too a fait la même réflexion)
Au fait : je suis rentrée, Peter !
I doesn't look as beautiful or polished as the other parks in Paris. But I guess Parc Georges Brassens is a little off of the beaten trail for regular tourists.
You are just too kind! Hugs (a lot!)!!
Déjeuner sur l'herbe... yes, it's a great pleasure, weather permitting!
C'est bien. Comme ça tu resteras beaucoup de temps... le parcs sont nombreux!
There seem to be a common understanding about Manet. (I did it by prupose, of course!)
Enfin tu es de retour! Tu nous as manqué! Manet, Renoir, Monet... tout les bons artistes ont aimé les déjeuners sur l'herbe! Bisous!
Yes, I guess you are right, but it takes also time for parks to be "ready"!
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