After the departure of my dear Malaysian visitors – the day before yesterday, I should have resumed my normal activities – looking for new places and areas in Paris, taking pictures… Instead I decided for another day “off”. I did just some shopping and had then a short walk in “my” park.
The weather was a bit dull, there were some raindrops in the air and the temperature was only slowly taking the right direction.
But, despite some unfavourable weather conditions there were flowers around.
The birches started to get their leaves.
The pigeons were all in love!
… and some kids played.
… so I felt fine, bought something to read and went back home! Yesterday, the sun was back and the spring temperature was again there. Maybe I should have waited a day and take some sunny pictures?
See you Monday… and in the meantime, I will try to make some use of my camera.
I wish you all a nice weekend!

But, despite some unfavourable weather conditions there were flowers around.

See you Monday… and in the meantime, I will try to make some use of my camera.
I wish you all a nice weekend!
Wonderful images, Peter! Have a great weekend.
So much beauty on a "dull" day...I don't know if I can take any of your "sunny pictures" ;-)
Oh, my, all those amorous pigeons...I feel like a peeping tom!
Bon weekend!
oh ... have a nice weekend!
some moments by the birds :-)
I was 'blown away' from all the lovely flowers Peter and yes I wish you a wonderul weeekend well.
I am not usually a great fan of Pigeons but I Must say your series of cuddling is so cute I could change my mind!! really great shots.
The flowers of course are equally beautiful.
Enjoy your book and have a good WE
Those pigeons looked happy! Well, itäs april in Paris -who wouldn't be?
But I don't have the time to visit april in Paris, too much work.
Have a nice weekend, Peter!
Bonjour Peter, je ne sais pas, quand je viens ici, parfois je n'ose pas parler en français. :-)
tes photos sont magnifiques, elles donnent l'envie de sortir, d'aller regarder la nature, de respirer le grand air. Que dire des photos des deux pigeons qui roucoulent. Ils sont heureux et ne se posent pas 36000 questions. Heureux pigeons! -)
Tes photos respirent la vie et elles me donnent un peu de courage pour cette journée du vendredi. Demain c'est le WE, il y a des choses à faire, je ne sais pas encore lesquelles.
Je t'embrasse et merci pour ce beau partage.
Tu as surement été un guide fabuleux pour cette rencontre. Que de belles fleurs ils ont pu voir et ces pigeons amoureux, c'est fantastiquement beau ! Ils sont adorables !
Now we really need the whole weekend for looking at you flowers and birds and happy springly people.
You have found even a flowering birch, I was thinking, that birches are my exclusivity ;)
Have a pleasant weekend you too,Peter!
Wonderful color and photography.
I am not up to normal yet, so am only trying to pop in here and there. As I get better I will try to get back on schedule.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville home from hospital.
Pour mon court séjour à Paris, j'attends de savoir quand je peux rencontrer ma petite Portugaise et où va l'on va se rencontrer. Je te tiens au courant.
Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday with sunny pics maybe!
May I take a day off too? (Je travaille trop, je n'ai même pas le temps de faire des commentaires. Je devrais déjà être sur la route mais j'ai plein de coups de fil à donner avant. Stress stress)
Surpris je suis le premier a venir chanter du Aznavour
"Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre
Mais l'un d'eux a quitté leur toit
Qu'ils sont longs les jours de l'attente
Et longues sont les nuits sans toi
Un pigeon regrettait son frère
Moi je regrette mon bel amour
Comme lui j'attends un bruit d'ailes
Le doux bruit d'ailes de son retour
J'ai laissé partir avec elle
Le bonheur qui nous était dû
Sur le chemin du temps perdu
Amant heureux amant
Redites-le souvent
Une absence est toujours trop longue
Rien ne sert de courir le monde
L'amour passe et les feuilles tombent
Quand tourne la rose des vents..."
Bravo tu as fait dans le roman photo (bon je regarde que d'un œil, car j'ai une phobie et une haine pour les pigeons).
Bon Weekend
Hehhehe....even the pigeons love the weather!
Spring is just a wonderful time...
Enjoy your weekend and cu on Monday with more brilliant photos.
p/s didn't adjust your DST time?<---at your wall clock.
The flowers do my heart good. Enjoy your weekend and rest up.
Hello Peter, I'm going to think about those pigeons-in-love photos all day long. And I like the black background which sets off your photos so prettily.
Je reconnais bien le jardin des Batignolles (moi aussi j'ai habité tout près)
Elles sont où les photos de la manif anti scientologie ?
Wonderful images, Peter!
Such a beautiful flowers... so romantic the pigeons in love...and the children all around...
Have a nice weekend as well!
Nos blogs se rejoignent aujourd'hui...Sauf en ce qui concerne les pigeons que je n'aime pas, ils roucoulent bêtement sur mon toit très tôt le matin!
Bon week end!
Tu nous diras ce que tu lis? Je cherche toujours de nouvelles idées!
wow Peter you really are like a travel agent her( kidding) but the effect is great I love all of tou fantastic collages and you know that I enjoy PARIS always!!!!!!
( my internet was broken last week, so I could not react immidiatly, but thanks for visiting:)
I wish you a creative weekend and come to see my SKYWATCH Friday:)
JoAnn from holland
It's a dull grey drippy sort of day here in S Ontario, so your spring flowers have brought some joy into my computer room! Soon, I will have spring flowers of my own to show you!
Thanks - the same to you!
Friday was a sunny day, but I took no flower or pigeon photos!
Same to you!
"Blown away"!!
Many people dislike pigeons... but I think they seem to give good examples when it comes to living in loving and faithful couples!
Some people have still to work!
Heureux pigeons! ... parlant français ou anglais sans se poser des questions.
Dans le parc, je n'étais plus guide!
No Finnish monopoly on birches!
So happy to see you back!!!
J'attends de tes nouvelles!
bleeing orange:
Maybe, not sure!
Pour moi tu peux; je ne sais pas pour DD!
Oui, aujourd'hui tu étais encore le premier avec ne chanson!
Are you sure about the clock? Paris and London is not on the same hour! :-) Have a nice weekend!
Thanks ... and the same!
Pigeons-in-love! I hope they are not the only ones!
Sur mon ancien blog... je te réponds par email!
Thanks ... and the same to you!
J'ai acheté .... le Canard! Mon bouquin pour le moment est François Cheng - Le Dit de Tianyi.
Travel agent... free of charge!
They will soone be there! Enjoy the weekend!
"Springtime in Paris" as would sing Nina Hagen...
Your camera takes nice photos with a good sharpness on the main motif and unsharpness in the background. Or let's say it in other words: you are taking fine photos, very well to see in those lovely spring photos.(Here it rains, is grey and dull.)
Have a ncie weekend, Peter.
Hi Peter, here I am for my at least weekly visit...
Square des Batignolles seems to be in great shape and your pictures are excellent, as always! They even made me like the pigeons (a city's plague in my opinion)... ;)
Brochant renewed might be interesting, but what the renovation allowed you to uncover is wonderful. Loved to see the tiles (national deformation) and the ads to Orly-Sud, my arrival terminal in Paris for decades... Brilliant!
Di.Di. and Pijah looked quite happy; can't believe they are flying to Madrid and not getting in to Lisbon... :((
KEJ's exhibition looks stimulating; wouldn't have minded to be at the «vernissage»... ;)
Have a great weekend!
Ooohhh....the flowers are beautiful. It's really Spring in Paris. I wish I'm there now.
The pigeon porn, on the other hand, is not appropriate for this blog. :-)
Peter tu es l'homme le plus étonnant que je connaisse ! Après un titre "another day off" tu nous régale d'une merveilleuse galerie de fleurs, de bourgeons, de couleurs, de pigeons amoureux, de parapluies dansant dans les parcs... ce n'est pas un day off c'est un festival de bonheur printanier !
Bon weekend Peter !
Ahaa so much of life on a dull day !!
I particularly liked the pigeons in love. Being a romantic person myself, I always look for those signs everywhere and enjoy blissfully.
Going to travel again for some days. Have a nice time.
as I told you earlier, the weather hates us... yet we still had so much fun!!!
so many places to go, so little time... sorry but i still need to go back to spain to visit sevilla, cordoba..ronda... next time i'll come visit your city, k.
Oh Peter... C'est comme si j'étais encore à Stresa...
Bonjour Peter, c'est un post magnifique, deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre.. C'est la saison... les canards, les paons... le printemps est vraiment là, mais ce matin, c'est une pluie de grêle qui m'attendait à la gare...
Bon WE à toi Peter et à bientôt.
Or "April in Paris"; Doris Day, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie...
Happy to see you regular (weekly) comments!
This kind of porn has passed the censors!
Soon you will have "April in Cologne"!
Tu ne dois pas connaître beaucoup d'hommes alors! :-))
You saw the romantic side of it, ming the pornographic; different personalities! Have a nice trip!
If it can be of some comfort; the good weather left us again!
Donc de retour! Avec ce temps, tu aurais du rester à Stresa! A bientôt!
Gorgeous photo at the top! Love the pigeons, too. The crocus are in finally in bloom here, though tulips and daffodils are slow to poke their heads above ground. Spring is creeping in all too slowly here.
One couple of your in love pigeons sat dawn on my place.
I think that they feel good there.
Is it ok?
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